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End of Year Giving campaign

Jan Lopez

When you support B.E.S.T. Service Dogs, you are not only funding the daily care and teaching of our service dogs.  You are providing our recipients and their loved ones a priceless new member of the family.

We simply cannot do it alone…we need your help.  Our work is funded entirely by people just like you.  Those who have a passion for helping others and the dogs who give them unconditional love, assistance and companionship.

Every donation represents one more service dog that can be placed with a deserving recipient in need.

Your gift goes directly to the programs B.E.S.T. Service Dogs provides and it might just be the one gift that changes a recipient’s life forever.

There are three ways to make a tax-deductible donation to B.E.S.T. Service Dogs today!

1. General one-time donation through this fundraiser on Facebook or on our website,

2. Honor and Memory donations are a wonderful way to express appreciation for the special people in your life. When you make an honor or memorial gift, B.E.S.T. Service Dogs will send a card to the appropriate contact with your heartfelt message and notification that a donation has been made to B.E.S.T. Service Dogs on their behalf.

To make an Honor or Memory donation, please send your information to If you have any questions regarding making a donation just let us know. All information is kept confidential.

3. Monthly recurring donation – we rely solely on donations so we must raise all funds necessary to support the placement of our service dogs.  Your monthly gift is instrumental in covering the costs associated with educating, medical care, and placement of a service dog with an individual who has a physical disability or other special need. With an average annual healthcare cost of $1,000 per dog (not including those who have major medical costs such as ACL, cesarean section, or dental issues which can cost up to $5,000), we need considerable help to continue our mission.


Any amount helps our mission! Thank you for considering B.E.S.T. Service Dogs in your end of year charitable giving plans. You can change the world, one dog at a time!

yellow lab puppy sitting in a red chair
Baby Joy says, please help fund my future at B.E.S.T.!

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