I know it's been a while since I posted but after a quick trip to LA for personal reasons, I was finally able to grab a mini vacation to Hawaii to visit my daughter and granddaughter! After the Doggy Dash and the Big Day of Giving, i was pretty tired out. So having a few days to play with my granddaughter on the beach was pretty great and getting to see my daughter's new digs, well, that was pretty great too. I am so thankful they are doing well. And my next vacation destination!
We are patiently waiting for our Starry girl to have her heat cycle, but last time it was 11 months apart, so we have to wait. Such is nature. Our new girl, Raven is growing into a beautiful girl. She has the shiniest black coat ever. She is a love and just wants to be with you. She has an independent streak as she doesn't alway do what the other kids (the yellows) are doing. It cracks me up. She is who she is. And we love her!
As we wait for Starry, we have the goal of contacting some local schools and organizations that might like to have visits from our dogs as therapy. So stand by while we figure out the best way/opportunity for us. Training continues!
