I wanted to post a little note for all the veterans out there. Thank you so much for your service to our country. I can't even imagine how hard it is to be away from your home, your family for long periods of time. Thank you.
We are happy to support Paws for Purple Hearts that places our pups with veterans, who then train them to be service dogs for our wounded soldiers. Dogs make a huge difference in the lives of those that have given so much of themselves for this country. We plan on more puppies for more of our service men that need them.
Side note - Baby Joy had me up at 4, 5 and 6 am today, and now all the dogs are sleeping and I am UP! Makes me crazy and makes me want to wake them all up. lol. While I was trying to sleep this morning I was thinking of writing a blog post about rescue dogs. So stay tuned for that.
Also, Giving Tuesday is coming on Dec 3. It is your opportunity to support the non-profits that help so many people for so many reasons! First Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and after all the gift buying you get to donate on GIVING TUESDAY! Stay tuned for our Giving Tuesday donation page coming soon. We can't do it without YOU.
Thanks guys, have a great relaxing holiday and Thank a Veteran today!
